Coast Ridge Ecology (CRE) is an ecological consulting firm with extensive experience in providing endangered species surveys, construction monitoring, wildlife and botanical surveys, restoration planning, permitting assistance, wetland delineations, research and education services for a variety of public and private sector clients. CRE works closely with clients and agencies to assist clients through the environmental permitting process.
Protocol Surveys for Rare and Endangered Plant and Animal Species
Dipnet and Seine Surveys for Fish and Amphibians
Dewatering and Fish Relocations
Pre-Construction Surveys
Nesting Bird Surveys
Bat Roost Surveys: Visual and Acoustic
Wetland Delineations
Compliance Monitoring
Environmental Training and Construction Monitoring
Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Programs
Invasive Species Mapping and Management Plans
Habitat Management and Reporting
Biological Assessments
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Section 7 and Section 10 (Habitat Conservation Plan) Consultations
Initial Study Checklists and EIS/EIR Biological Resources Sections
California Department of Fish and Wildlife 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreements
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Regional Water Quality Control Board, CWA Section 404 and 401 Permitting Consultations, California Coastal Act Permitting Consultations
Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Applications (JARPA)
National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and Natural Environment Studies (NES)
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance Analysis and Permitting
USFWS 10(a)(1)(A) Recovery Permits for
California red-legged frog
California tiger salamander
San Francisco garter snake
​Coast Ridge Ecology is a certified Local Business Enterprise (LBE) by the City and County of San Francisco, and a certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE) by the State Department of General Services.
CRE is owned by Principal Biologist Patrick Kobernus, who has 28 years of experience as a biological consultant in California. CRE staff includes environmental professionals with a range of expertise on endangered species and environmental compliance.
CRE clients consist of private individuals and corporations and public agencies such as the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Pacific Gas and Electric, San Mateo County Parks Department, Port of San Francisco, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.